PMC SERMON “LIVE IT OUT” GUIDE                                                     Date:  2 October 2016


Text: Romans 15:7-13

Title: Rejoice, O Gentiles

Preacher: Rev Lai Kai Ming

Series: Justified by Faith


[For Group Leaders:

- The following serves only as a guide.  Please feel free to edit and adapt.

- You are strongly encouraged to allow members to share using the POP Journal (4Rs) at the beginning of your group time.  This would deepen your fellowship and enrich everyone in the Word.



1.         SERMON RECAP

(Visit  to listen to the sermon and download a copy of the Powerpoint slides)


a.       The Jews were insiders who forgot about the outsiders.

b.      Are you an insider or an outsider in God’s Kingdom?  How do you know?

c.       PMC is a family who exists for those outside the family.


“The Church is the only organisation that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it.” 

William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury (1881-1944)



2.         LIVE IT OUT


While God has chosen the Jews as the initial people to lead and 'showcase' His love and relationship with humankind, His intention from the very beginning was to redeem all nations and all peoples to Himself.  We the Gentiles can certainly rejoice in God's all encompassing and all-inclusive love and grace!


a.       After being a Christian for some time, we may have very few 'outsiders' that we develop close relationships with.  

> Be intentional in identifying some 'outsiders' to develop genuine friendships with and pray that God will use you to bless them.  

> List down their names and commit to pray for them regularly, that they may know our loving God.


b.      Are there certain people groups that you dislike or are prejudiced against?  

> Pray that God will help you to overcome these prejudices and see them as God's children too.  

> If there are some of them that God has put in your circle of influence, prayerfully consider some small steps you can take to reach out to them positively in God's grace.  You might want to share with and partner a brother/sister in this endeavor.


c.       “The Church is the only organisation that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it.”  William Temple

> Do you agree with these words?  Discuss.

> Do you feel that PMC is living out this truth, and “does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it”?  Why, or why not?

> Take some time to pray for our church.



3.         PRAY


Please refer to the PMC Mobile App, “MyPMC”, for our weekly prayer guide.  [Click on “PRAY”, then “Let’s Pray”]


