PMC SERMON “LIVE IT OUT” GUIDE                                                 Date:  18 September 2016


Text: Romans 14:1-13

Title: Judge Not

Preacher: Rev Chia Chin Nam

Series: Justified by Faith


[For Group Leaders:

- The following serves only as a guide.  Please feel free to edit and adapt.

- You are strongly encouraged to allow members to share using the POP Journal (4Rs) at the beginning of your group time.  This would deepen your fellowship and enrich everyone in the Word.



1.         SERMON RECAP

(Visit  to listen to the sermon and download a copy of the Powerpoint slides)


a.       Do not condemn or negatively criticize Christians who have different convictions from us; particularly in things the Bible does not command or forbid.

b.      Adiaphora: “matters of indifference” that the Bible does not command or forbid.  E.g. bible translations, forms of worship, mode of baptism, diet, card playing, food offered to idols, Pokemon Go, etc

c.       For adiaphora, negative criticism never helps.

Instead, accept and love one another as God love and accepts us..

d.      Romans 14:10-12 (The Message):

“So where does that leave you when you criticize a brother? And where does that leave you when you condescend to a sister? I’d say it leaves you looking pretty silly—or worse. Eventually, we’re all going to end up kneeling side by side in the place of judgment, facing God. Your critical and condescending ways will not improve your position one bit. Read it for yourself in Scripture: “As I live and breathe,” God says, every knee will bow before me; Every tongue will tell the honest truth that I and only I am God.” So tend to your knitting. You’ve got your hands full just taking care of your own life before God.” 




2.         LIVE IT OUT


a.       'Trivial' or disputable matters can often become very big issues that can be divisive and hard to resolve.

> Share your experience on how trivial issues can grow to become big issues.

> How should such issues be resolved according to the teachings of Jesus and Paul?



b.      Take a moment to reflect on how you might have been judgmental to a Christian brother or sister in the last few weeks.  Was this something biblically clear or a matter of "adiaphora"?

> Share this with your group

> Ponder how you can choose instead to be more accepting and loving to this brother or sister

> Take action this week.


c.       We should have convictions, even on non-essential practices.  Our convictions draw the line between what we will do and what we will not do as an exercise of Christian liberty.  Personal convictions are important to the apostle Paul.  


> Which of the following principles will you adopt when there is an irreconcilable matter at hand so that you will not impose your convictions on others?

                                             i.            Recognize that believers agree on far more than what we disagree on. 

                                           ii.            Acknowledge that disagreement over non-essentials can be healthy. 

                                         iii.            Distinguish between primary and secondary issues. 

                                         iv.            Exercise humility on non-essentials.

                                           v.            Refuse to criticize those who see things differently. 

                                         vi.            Allow people to come to their own conclusions. 

> Apply the above principles to your office, school, or home situation – and consider how this might bring peace and goodwill.



3.         PRAY


Please refer to the PMC Mobile App, “MyPMC”, for our weekly prayer guide.  [Click on “PRAY”, then “Let’s Pray”]


For Personal Prayer:

a.       Do you have issues with the body of Christ in PMC or elsewhere (former church?) that somehow caused you to be discouraged, resentful, and caused you to be not living to your full potential in Christ?


> Bring these issues to the Lord. 

> Consider sharing this with another person. 

> Confess your feelings, and humble yourself before the Lord, so that you may be healed and restored to fullness and joy in Christ.

