(70mins – 90mins)


Sermon Date: 8th October 2017

Text/s: Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5-6

Title: “Faithful Ones” – Enoch

(The sermon recording and slides can be found on the PMC website and MyPMC App.)


Sermon Recap & Discussion (20mins)


A)     Key Lessons


Enoch’s faithfulness was found in his walk with God – which means (i) growing in the knowledge of the truth, and (ii) having faith in the truth.


To walk rightly with God, we must spend time with His Word, and act on it in faith (3C method – Converse, Convict, Conceive).


B)     Key Application Questions


1)      Are you growing in your knowledge and obedience to God’s Word? What obstacles, if any, do you face?


2)      In the sermon, Pastor Jason said, “Faith is really not about what we say, but how we act out, especially in the secret places of our lives; that’s faith.”


Identify an area where you struggle to be consistent in your private and public life. Share with your group.


Further Observations on the Text (20mins)


Read Genesis 5:21-24


1)      In this chapter, all the other men are said to have “lived” and died (a result of the fall in Genesis 3). Enoch is the only one described as having “walked”. What is the difference between living and walking?


(You may also consider Ex 18:19-20, Deut 8:5-7, Col 1:9-10.)



2)      Consider the prophecy of Enoch referenced in Jude 14-16. What do these verses tell us about Enoch’s faith?   


Read Hebrews 11:5-6


3)      Verse 6 tells us that God will reward those who seek Him. What does Enoch’s example teach us about seeking God?


Further Application (30mins)


1)      How would others describe your walk with God? How would Jesus describe your walk with God?


If there is something in your life hindering your walk with God, confess it and surrender it to the Lord.


2)      Do you truly believe that Jesus will come back again in judgment? Is this belief reflected in the way you live your life? Explain your answer.


3)      Consider 1 Chron 28:9, Prov 8:17, and Jer 29:12-13. In light of these promises, how can we be more diligent in seeking God this week? 


Going Deeper (Optional – 20mins)


1)      Read through the genealogy in Genesis 5. Who does God grant the longest life? What does this teach us about God and how we should respond to Him?


2)      In the Bible, only Enoch and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) did not see death. What do you think is the significance of these two accounts of life without death?