Sermon Recap & Discussion


Sermon Date: 14th January 2018

Text/s: Genesis 32:22-32

Title: Royal Rumble

Speaker: Ps Jacob Lim

(The sermon recording and slides can be found on the PMC website and MyPMC App.)


A)     Key Lessons


Jacob’s journey in the book of Genesis resembles the journey every Christian must go through:


Dependence on Self → Recognize Limitations → Encounter with God → Dependence on God  


B)     Key Application Questions


1)      In Jacob’s life, “moral strength came from his encounter with God” (quoting from the sermon). Have you experienced this in your own life? If so, share with your group.   


2)      What ‘rings’ of life are you entering today? In what ways are you wrestling with God?



Digging Deeper – Looking at Scripture


Read Genesis 32:22-32


1)      What is the context of this passage? What are some significant events that occur before this passage?





2)      Who is this man that Jacob wrestles with (v24)? How do we know that?






3)      What is Jacob’s attitude in wrestling with this man?





4)      What is the result of Jacob’s wrestling with this man?






BIG IDEA: At this point, as a LG, come up with a sentence that summarizes Gen 32:22-32.








APPLICATION: How can we apply this big idea to our lives? How should we respond to this passage?