(70mins – 90mins)


Sermon Date: 12th November 2017

Text/s: Genesis 21:1-7, Hebrews 11:11-12

Speaker: Mr Kevin Ang

(The sermon recording and slides can be found on the PMC website and MyPMC App.)


Sermon Recap & Discussion (20mins)


A)     Key Lessons


From Sarah’s story, we see that:


(i)                 Faith fills the gap between our reality and God’s promises;

(ii)               Faith is about journeying with God, not arriving at a destination;

(iii)             Faith is future-oriented, not anchored in the present or past.


B)     Key Application Questions


1)      How would you describe the gap between your current reality and God’ promises?


2)      (Quoting from the sermon): “Faith is not trusting God when things go well and there’s light and we can see everything clearly – what is there to trust? We have our intellect, our experience, our knowledge. Faith is trusting in God when we can’t see anything. When the lights go out and every step we take we think it’s going to be a bad one because it’s just a bad situation where we are in, there’s a huge gap between our reality and what God has promised us.”


Do you agree with this statement? Why? Share from your own experience.   



Further Observations on the Text (20mins)


Read Genesis 21:1-7


1)      In verses 1 and 2, the author references God’s Word 3 times (ESV: “as he had said”, “as he had promised”, “at the time of which God had spoken to him”). Why do you think the author does this?



2)      Verse 1 says “The Lord visited Sarah” (ESV). Other translations render this phrase “the Lord was gracious to Sarah” (NIV). In fulfilling His promise, God demonstrates grace and compassion towards Abraham and Sarah.


In verses 3 and 4, how does Abraham respond to God’s grace?


3)      Consider verses 6 and 7. What kind of thoughts/emotions are captured in Sarah’s response? How is this different from the encounter in Genesis 18:12-15? 



Further Application (30mins)


1)      Although Abraham and Sarah eventually received God’s promise of a son, it was not without much struggle and doubt.


What kind of difficulty do you experience in waiting upon God’s promises?


2)      Hebrews 11:13-16 makes it clear that God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah go beyond the birth of Isaac. The promises point forward to a heavenly city, where God will dwell with His people forever. 


a)      As a Christian, how would you personally describe the future God has prepared for you?


b)      How does Sarah’s response in verses 6 and 7 help to shape your view? (cf. Question 3 above)



Going Deeper (Optional – 20mins)


1)      God had prepared the name for Abraham’s promised son all the way back in Genesis 17:19. Why do you think such a name is given to Isaac (meaning ‘he laughs’)?