Sermon Text:  EPHESIANS 1:1-14

Title:  Every Spiritual Blessing

Series:  Family of Faith


Preacher:  Rev Lai Kai Ming

Date:  12 February 2017



Key Verse - Ephesians 1:3  “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING in the heavenly places in Christ


a.       Am I blessed?  Yes, in every way!

b.      The nature of God's blessing

·         Eternal, Unseen - but Real !!  Kept safe in Heaven

·         Tied to our Inheritance as God's children

·         Primary indicators: Righteousness, Peace, Joy

c.       The goal of God's blessing.  Holy and blameless, like Christ.

d.      How shall we live?   Be Thankful, Be Generous, Be a Blessing



What can you thank God for in the past week? Take a minute or two to think deep and hard about what you are thankful for, then share it with your group.  Open the session with one member leading in a prayer of thanksgiving.



Refer to the PMC mobile App “MyPMC” for our weekly prayer guide. 

[Click on “PRAY”, then “Let’s Pray”]



1.  Look at verse 3.  What is happening here? What is Paul doing?  What does this opening sentence tell us about Paul’s purpose for v3-14?  Discuss briefly.



2.  Paul does not leave us to wonder what he means by “every spiritual blessing”.  Read v3-10 and list down all the spiritual blessings below.







How is each blessing good news for us? 

3.  In view of God’s blessings to us, we are called to “be thankful, be generous and be a blessing”.  How can we be generous this week – be it at home, work, or school? 

>> Write down one action item here, and share it with your group.



4.  The Lord taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.  Paul tells us that the Kingdom of God is about “RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY” (Rom 14:17).  

a.  Share with each other - what occupies our mind most of the time?   Are our desires more often on health, wealth and success than on Righteousness, Peace and Joy?  As you hear each other’s struggles and confession, resist the temptation to judge.  Instead, take time to pray for each other.

b.  As a group, list down practical ways that you can live out the eternal blessings of Righteousness, Peace and Joy in your workplace, home, or neighbourhood.  (Each group member should contribute at least one idea.)





5.  How should Ephesians 1:1-14 influence the way we do evangelism?  E.g. if God has chosen and predestined future believers, why is there a need to preach to them?




6.  Recall your thanksgiving at the start of the session.  How should Ephesians 1:1-14 shape the way we give thanks to God?


Close the session by putting into practice what we have learnt.  Let’s pray and thank God for all the spiritual blessings listed in Ephesians 1:1-14 (try to be precise and comprehensive!) Pray also for God’s grace to trust in the promises of Ephesians 1:1-14 and to live them out in our evangelism and worship.




7.  Notice how Paul goes from eternity (v4) to history (v7) to future (v10). According to v10, what is God’s ultimate plan for the universe?  Try to describe it in your own words. 



8.  We only receive these spiritual blessings (v3) and this inheritance (v11) if we are “in Christ”. According to v11-14, how can we be sure that we are “in Christ”? 



9.  What other themes run through v1-14?  Note down some repeated phrases and ideas.  How do they enrich our understanding that we have every spiritual blessing in Christ?