Sermon Recap & Discussion


Sermon Date: 25th March 2018

Text/s: Acts 5:1-11

Title: The Judgment of the Spirit       

Speaker: Ps Lai Kai Ming

(The sermon recording and slides can be found on the PMC website and MyPMC App.)


A)     Key Lessons


1.      Why did Ananias and Sapphira die?


o   They died, not because their act was particularly sinful, but because they (in their hardness of heart) failed to recognize the Presence of God in their midst.


2.      Who is the Holy Spirit?


o   The Holy Spirit is Founder and Lord of the Church, and therefore he who threatens the Church is in danger of the Spirit’s judgment.


3.      What are the implications for us?


o   Fear God, don’t treat sin lightly.

o   Fear God, don’t be stingy, miserly or calculative! Instead, be generous with God and others.


B)     Key Application Questions


1)      Would you consider your LG to be a place where the fear of God is present and real? Why or why not? What would it take for your LG to experience such a holy fear?




2)      In your life, who is someone that you would consider a generous person? What traits or values do you notice as they serve others? How would you like to grow in being generous to others?



Digging Deeper into Scripture


Read Acts 5:1-11


1)      In the ESV, the passage begins with the word “But”. How is this passage in contrast with the preceding context in Acts 4:31-37?  





2)      How would you describe the wrongdoing of Ananias and Sapphira?






3)      What was the outcome for Ananias and Sapphira? Why was this so?






4)      What was the outcome of this episode for the early church? Consider also the context in Acts 5:12-16.






MAIN IDEA: If possible, as a LG, draft a sentence that captures the main idea for Acts 5:1-11.







APPLICATION: How can we live out Acts 5:1-11 in the coming week? How can we apply this Main Idea to our lives?