Sermon Recap & Discussion


Sermon Date: 8th July 2018

Text/s: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26; 13:1-3

Title: Which Part Are You?  

Speaker: Mr Graham Rozario

(The sermon recording and slides can be found on the PMC website and MyPMC App.)


A)     Key Lessons


1.      The Church cannot function by only one person’s gift when they serve. God has given each of us different gifts to use for the health and unity of the Body of Christ.


2.      We need to move from understanding our gift’s function to fulfilling our gift’s goal.


3.      The goal of our gifts is to love one another and to love God.



B)     Key Application Questions


1)      (Quoting from the sermon): “A car has so many parts! The bonnet, the tail light, the seats, the little nuts and bolts that we cannot even see when we look at the car.”


What are some invisible parts of the church that are left unrecognized? As a LG, how can you encourage them in the week ahead?  






2)      In our current areas of service, what would it look like for us to serve out of love rather than pride?  







Digging Deeper into Scripture


Context: The letter of 1 Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul to address certain issues that had arisen in the Corinthian church. Being a young and prosperous Roman colony, situated strategically along many trade routes, the city of Corinth was a hotbed for pagan worship and commercial greed. Therefore, the Corinthian church was in danger of being shaped more by its surrounding culture, rather than by the gospel.


In chapters 11 to 14, Paul is concerned with spiritual gifts and matters of public worship. Although the Corinthian church was highly gifted (1:5-7), they were also arrogant and prone to division (1:12, 3:3, 4:18, 5:2).


Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.


1)      What is Paul’s point about our baptism in verses 12-13?





2)      Consider verses 14-20. How does Paul respond to those in the church who feel useless or envious of other members?  





3)      Consider verses 21-26. How does Paul respond to those in the church who feel self-sufficient or superior?






MAIN IDEA: If possible, as a LG, draft a sentence that captures the main idea for 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.





APPLICATION: How can we live out 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 in the coming week? How can we apply this Main Idea to our lives?