Peranakan / Indonesian Fellowship


Service Timings

Peranakan Sunday Service is held at the Chapel at 7:30am.

Peranakan Fellowship meets once a month on every 4th Saturday of the month from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the Chapel.

For more information, please contact us at

Peranakan/ Indonesian Fellowship

PMC was born in 1932 out of an effort to reach the Peranakan community, and the Peranakan Service is active till today. Many of those attending the Peranakan Service today have been doing so for decades.

Activities in which the Peranakan ministry is active are the Home Visitation and Glowing Years Ministry (GYM). Members of the Peranakan ministry also anchor the breakfast ministry which worshippers look forward to every Sunday morning.

In 1992, the ministry recognized a growing number of Indonesian workers whom they could serve. Thus was born the Indonesian fellowship, which ran alongside the Peranakan ministry. The ministry holds Bible sessions in Peranakan/Bahasa Indonesia on Sunday mornings. The Indonesian outreach ministry has seen many of its members' faith strengthen and commitment deepen.