Girls’ Brigade



The Girls' Brigade meets on Saturday, 9:00am at Springfield Secondary School.

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Girls' Brigade (GB)

44th Company

The Girls' Brigade is a uniformed organization approved by the Ministry of Education. The Aim of the Girls' Brigade is "To help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through reverence, self-control and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of Life". The Brigade also provides leadership training as well as to teach responsible attitudes and behaviour. The mission of the Brigade is "To make every girl a leader and every officer a servant leader".

The Brigade provides a wholesome four-fold programme concerned with the physical, educational, social and spiritual development of the members. Under Physical Programme, the girls develop physical skills such as Basic and Creative drill, Abseiling, Rock-climbing, In-line skating and tent-pitching. Through the Educational Programme, the girls have the opportunity to cultivate meaningful pursuits and acquire knowledge and skills such as Tambourine, Knot Tying, Skipping and Map-reading. In the Social Programme, the girls learn to understand themselves in relation to others through the Healthy Attitudes badgework. They learn to be of service at Home, in Church, to the Country and the World. Though the Spiritual Programme, the girls learn and inculcate sound values that will anchor them in their relationship with others and their responses to issues that confront them.

Some of the activities included in our weekly programme would be singing sessions, games, community service, footdrill sessions and experiential learning. Girls will work for badges in subjects such as Healthy Attitudes, Brigade Knowledge, First Aid and many other aspects of life.

Students will have Company meetings held every Saturday from 9:00am to 12:30pm in Springfield Secondary School. The Brigade also organises outings and training camps throughout the year especially during the school holidays.